The first Europeans reached Australia when the Spanish explorer Luis Váez de Torres sailed through the Torres Strait in 1606.
The most famous British explorer to reach Australia was James Cook. in 1770, Captain Cook arrived at bay on the eastern side of the island. The bay had many unusual plants and flowers, so he named it Botany Bay.
The Britich decided to colonise the island for a number of reasons. First, British prisons were full. The government decided the best solution was to send prisoners to this faraway island. In addition, it was important for the British to have a navy base in the part of the worls. Finally, the Britich wantes yo strenghten economit ties between Britain and the region.
On 18th January, 1788, eleven ships carryng 732 prisoner landed at Botany Bay.
The British later moved north and built a settlement.

They called the new settlement Port Jackson. This was the beginning of modern Sydney, the most populated city in Australia.
Most Autralians are descendants of the early Europeans settlers. fter Worls War II, Australia began a programme to increase it number of immigrants. It still encourages immigration as a way to keep this enormous country populated.
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